K-LOVE 90s

Logo: 320px x 240px

K-LOVE 90s

KL 90s

It was the decade that gave us unforgettable hits from dc Talk to Point of Grace. Click play and turn up the volume. No Walkman required this time.

Positive, Encouraging 90s

Bearers (FM, HD Radio and Streaming Information)

This service is available on the following transmitters and streams:

FM 88.1MHz, transmitting RDS PI Code 7407
88.9MHz, transmitting RDS PI Code d397
96.5MHz, transmitting RDS PI Code d4cd
HD FCC ID 52309
FCC ID 166023
FCC ID 70676
FCC ID 26689
FCC ID 12400
FCC ID 164206
FCC ID 23030
FCC ID 6739
FCC ID 3135
FCC ID 35569
FCC ID 64256
FCC ID 2686
IP https://maestro.emfcdn.com/stream_for/k-love-90s/radiodns/hls
Type: application/vnd.apple.mpegurl Bitrate: undefinedkbps Delay from FM: 105000
Type: audio/aac Bitrate: 64kbps Delay from FM: 105000


This service is advertising the following genre information


This service is providing the following relevant links

Multimedia Items (Station Logos)

This service is providing the following multimedia elements:

Width: 600
Height: 600
File Type: image/png
Media Type: logo_unrestricted
Width: 320
Height: 240
File Type: image/png
Media Type: logo_unrestricted
Width: 300
Height: 300
File Type: image/png
Media Type: logo_unrestricted
Width: 128
Height: 128
File Type: image/png
Media Type: logo_unrestricted
Width: 112
Height: 32
File Type: image/png
Media Type: logo_colour_rectangle
Width: 32
Height: 32
File Type: image/png
Media Type: logo_colour_square

Service Authority and Terms of Use

Information about this service was derived from the following source:

Service Provider: Educational Media Foundation
SI file location: http://radiodns.emfeng.com:80/radiodns/spi/3.1/SI.xml
Fully Qualified Domain (FQDN) and Unique Identifier: radiodns.emfeng.com / klove90s